Saturday, October 15, 2011

October 13th: Matapalo

This morning we met a British guy named Jonathan. He was staying at Cabinas The Corner, where we were originally going to stay in Puerto Jimenez. He said it was basically a bed and four walls, and there was no hot water and not even a place to make coffee in the morning. So, he moved over to Cabinas Backpacker, the most happening place in PJ. After breakfast we decided to walk somewhere, since our plans to spend the night in Corcovado got washed away in the massive amount of rain. It took us a while to get going. we didn't have a set direction, and our plans evolved between leaving the Cabina, then coming back to get something we though we might need, then leaving, then going back, etc. etc. Eventually we made it down the road to Matapalo, where we caught one ride almost immediately from two guys who were also staying at our Cabinas. They were working at a farm along the way, so they took us as far as the entrance to that farm. We walked maybe 1/4mile past where they dropped us off, and another guy in a truck picked us up. He took us all the way to the turn off to Matapalo. We asked two different people for directions to the waterfall that was there, and we found it! It was a little ways past the beach where we went with Dominic. we took a turn off to the lower falls, which didn't take long to find. we only stayed for a few minutes before we took the steep path up to the upper falls. the path was on the overgrown side, and it was super steep. It used to be a drive way of some sort, because it was partially paved, but the concrete was slick from moisture and plants. At the top of the driveway we took another path down to the base of the waterfall. I was plenty terrified, since just the day before Grant and a guide who came to Federico's were talking about the poisonous snakes that have been seen there. Luckily we didn't see any. Grant actually got in the water, but I was too scared to get in. it was a pretty windy, and it took about 2 seconds for the mist to soak my legs. The 90 foot waterfall was beautiful:

We walked back from the waterfall and sat by the water for a bit, then decided to start heading back. You have to be careful to either count on taking the bus back, or leave with enough time to hitch a ride or make it back to the city before it gets dark (and scary). We decided to walk. Right after we stood up though, we found a family of monkeys! They were black with white faces, about the same size as the monkeys we saw a few days ago. They were adorable, and they reminded me of my cat with their slightly curled tails. We spend a good 45 minutes watching them swing around in the trees, steal coconuts from the ground, and try to steal food from each other. we eventually left when two of them sat on a low tree branch and bared their teeth at us. We had worn out our welcome.

We walked a solid 3 miles down the road back to Puerto Jimenez before anyone picked us up. It was an older couple, and they already had a boy who looked to be no more than 13 hitching in the back. We stood in the bed of the truck for the ride back to PJ. It was good to get a little bit of walking in since we hadn't done much in between all the rain.

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