Monday, April 2, 2012

November 14th

Today was a little slow, and rainy. We got up at 6:30am, and I did a chapter in my Spanish book for review while Grant did laundry. It seems like laundry is a part time job here. Grant treats it like a work out. I made our standard oatmeal for breakfast. At work, the compost/dirt mixture was still no ready, so we kinda killed time fussing over the vines that we planted and the area where we cut the vines back before we went to predator killing duty in the butterfly habitats. I love predator killing. Not the murder part, which makes me feel horrible since even the butterfly-eating leaf-cutter ants deserve a chance at happiness, but because I love any time I get to spend with the butterflies. Grant did a tour with three French people in Spanish, and I did one with an Israeli couple who were really nice. Their tour cut into my lunch a bit so I had to rush through eating (which isn't easy for me, as any one who has ever shared a meal with me can attest). I had to run up to the reception to relieve Erika, since she only worked half the day and Kendra has the day off. While in the reception I put pupas in the case and welcomed people right away.
We had a late tour (two, actually) so Grant and I stayed after to lock the gates after they left. Then we did laundry (SEE??? part time job). Made a great pasta dinner and Grant helped me make bread. We substituted 1 cup flour for corn flour just to try it. Towards the end of bread making my hands proved too small to knead, so Grant took over.

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget to enter The Shabby Apple giveaway on my blog for a chance to enter a dress!
