Saturday, November 19, 2011

november 10

When I woke up last night to use the bathroom, there was a bat in the shower! I left the light on and went to grab Grant, but he must have found his way outside because he was gone when Grant went intot he bathroom.
Since Glenn has to go to San Carlos today we’re taking a half day of work so that he can drop us off in La Fortuna for the afternoon, then pick us up on his way back home. In the morning I cleaned these little plastic parts (turns out they were part of sprinklers) for about 2 hours. I didn’t think they were dirty but it was easy so I just kept scrubbing them until my hands were raw from the water and bleach. When I was finished Leche told me to water gardens 7 and 5. I got through #7 without getting soaked by the leaky hose but I only did a corner of #5 before Kendra called me to do a tour with three Frenchmen. They were an interesting group, very quick because they didn’t take any pictures (that’s rare). I had to rush off at the end though because I had to relieve Kendra in the reception so she could take a lunch before I left for the day. Grant spent the morning changing the tire on Glenn’s car then washing and vacuuming it. It was a little strange work for a volunteer, but easy enough and Glenn let him go to lunch early. I forgot to give him thekey though, so he couldn’t get into our room. He busied himself getting lunch together and making doughnut holes out of the dough that didn’t rise until I got back from the Conservatory. I had about 20 minutes to pack my backpack and change and grab a bite to eat, then Glenn picked us up in front of our house. We both agreed that having a half day is a rip off for us. We work 7hours a day sinc we get 1 hour for lunch. With a half day of work we get off at 12:30, our normal lunch hour, but that means we’re only getting out of 2.5 hours of work instead of 3.5 hours. Plus, without a car it’s not like we can really do anythgin with that half day of. We’d much rather combine two weeks of half days into one whole day, although it’s working out for this one time.
On the way to La Fortuna Glenn told us to check out Grenada in Nicaragua which I think would be great. He also said it would be okay to take those 15 days off in January. If all three volunteers end up coming here that he’s expecting that will mean there are 8 people living in this house. There’s already barely enough clothes line and food storage space (shelves and refridgerator included). It’ll get interesting. When Glenn dropped us off we went to the little houseware store so Grant could get a pan that will double as a top for out skillet, and a ceramic bowl. Then we went to an art store so that Grant could use the bathroom before we sat in the park and ate lunch. We picked more peppers in the park too while we were there, and we got adopted momentarily by an adorable but smelly dog who refused the bit of our lunch that we offered him. He seemed content to sit literally in the bush by the bench we were sitting on then follow us until we got to the edge of the park. We visited both bakeries of course, and got 3 pastries each plus one loaf of sweetbread each. I ate my cookie and cinnamon roll but I saved my piece of pineapple pie, while Grant ate all of his stuff. We checked out a few tourist shops but we didn’t get anything. Out last stop was the grocery store where we bought a TON of food. We’re going to try and make it all last for at least 3-4 weeks, since it’s a hassle to have to use our days off to go to La Fortuna to get food when we don’t get that many days off anyways. We hauled our huge bags to the Burger King down the road at the edge of town and got a large coke (which Grant drank most of very quickly) and what they claimed to be a large fries but was neither cheap nor large (it was about the size of a small in the US). Glenn picked us up and took us home, and we put away our stuff and went to bed.

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