Saturday, November 19, 2011

november 5

This morning everyone worked to prepare the Conservatory for the huge group of 30 people who were coming at midday. Grant and I raked literally all of the paths, and by the time we were finished my neck and back were aching from moving the rake back and forth and then caring bags of compost to the piles. Grant was going to help with the large tour, but it turned out they all spoke French only, so we left them to Glenn and the translator. After work grant and I went to Cabinitas because Danielle from the art place told us they have live music at 7pm on Saturdays. This week there isn’t anyone playing though, so we just had a milk shake each at the bar (grant’s banana one was better than my pineapple one, I think). Milk shakes are a much better deal than anything with alcohol. Afterwards, we went home and read.

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