Saturday, November 19, 2011

november 4

This morning Grant got up early and baked the 2 loaves of bread he made the night before. He used more flour than the recipe called for, so the loaves ended up huge. They made 4 small loaves instead of just two. It was great having fresh warm bread for breakfast. In the morning at work we continued with the vines that we started yesterday. We each did a tour in the morning before lunch also. After lunch we finished the last of the vines in garden 5, and I gave 2 tours. One was to a group of 5 high school girls from Germany who were here in Costa Rica to learn spanish. The other group was to a very boring family from north virginia (the woman was afraid of the butterflies and the daughter was so annoyed by the mosquitos that she wanted to be held the entire time). Grant gave a really long tour to two women from Puerto Rico, all in spanish. The ladies were more than happy to let him try and do the tour in spanish, and they helped them along the way with words he didn’t know. After work we baked the last 2 loaves, bought veggies from the veggie man in the truck (we also made a graph with prices of the produce so that we can track them from week to week. Of the things we bought both this week and last week, the prices were cheaper. But grant said the things we didn’t buy had gone up in price. It’s actually cheaper to buy potatoes and onions in La Fortuna than it is to buy them from the truck. It’s just less convenient). Next time I want us to buy things from the truck after everyone else does, to see what the prices are and because we take forever looking at everything and talking about prices and amounts with the guys. While Grant talked with the veggie man Glenn drove up and dropped off things he bought for the others from La Fortuna. He also had a new dog in the back of his car! He’s a younger male golden retriever, and he’s beautiful. Apparently there is an animal shelter in La Fortuna, which I better not go to…

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