Saturday, November 19, 2011

november 7

This morning we finished off the last of the oatmeal. When we got to work we went to look at the frogs like usual. We have to find them every morning, since most are nocturnal and so they change sleeping spots every morning. The tank with the male and female red eyed tree frogs had a surprise – the two adults are mating! The male is clinging to the females back (called amplexus) and they were fast asleep. I brought my camera after lunch to take a few pictures of them. I spent most of the morning watering greenhouses 8 and 5, and by the time I was done I was soaked. I literally watered every square inch in order to increase the humidity inside, and the hoses both had leaks in them that kept soaking my lower half. Thank goodness for quick dry pants from North Face. It felt silly to water the greenhouses since it was pouring rain most of the time right outside. I gave 2 tours in the morning also, and after lunch I helped Grant plant vines around the greenhouses. Some of them are passion flower, which is my new favorite thing. They have the most delicate structure but the most wonderful part if the sweet smell they have. I wish i could capture it, it’s so beautiful. I cant wait to have more of the vines around. After work we did some laundry and we researched pumpkin pie recipes. We’re going to use the other half of the squash we bought last week to make a pie, probably tomorrow.

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