Thursday, November 3, 2011

october 20

I woke up at 5:45am and ran for an hour toward La Fortuna. That road was a lot hillier than the other direction. We had eggs with beans and rice for breakfast, then off to work. We started the day planting Sornia (host plant to Capachino and Malachite butterflies) in the ground where Grant had macheted the grass the day before. It was extremely muddy, and I should have been wearing my boots. When we were finished we finished the weeding and fertilizing from the day before. Next, I made a net for vines to grow up while grant cleared old vines from a trellis someone had made several years ago. At 11:30am I took over in the reception and let Kendra go to lunch. I sewed bags until it was time for my lunch. Grant and I had cucumber sandwhiches with raw onion on cream cheese and whole wheat bread. SO GOOD. In the afternoon he worked in the atriums with Delvin to learn about the butterflies while I finished the net and went to work clearing more of the vines where Grant had worked earlier. After work Grant dug the 3rd row for the garden while I finished catching us up with laundry. Having to wash everything by hand in small buckets has made it almost impossible to keep up with it. I have done so much lanudry that I have blisters on the fingers that twist the water out of the clothes. It rained really hard as we went to bed.

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