Thursday, November 3, 2011

october 22

Breakfast: 1 egg, ½ kiwi, 1 ½ pieces of toast with cream cheese and honey each. The morning was spent cleanind the red eyed tree frog terrarium glass, then planting more sornia (I really hate that job. I’d rather turn over an entire pile or dirt myself. It’s hard to plant because the spot we’re in is on a steep hill, and it’s super muddy so you can’t get a good grip with your feet. You’re bent over, and trying to balance yourself in the mud while planting. Ugh. Grant and I also spent about 40 minutes giving a tour to 2 Israeli students who were about our age. It was fun giving the tour. It was my first, and Grant’s second tour. It’s not meant to be exhaustive, we’re just suppose to fill in the gaps, throw out some trivia, and answer questons. At the end we point them in the direction of one of two trails they can take. We took the early lunch because Erika is off at 12:30 and I needed to take over for her in the reception. Lunch was leftover boiled carros in pasta noodles with mushroom soup sauce and coyote leaves. It was super good. Grant spent the afternoon back in the fields while I worked in the reception.

After work we made dinner (potatoe and tomato based soup) but we’re running out of produce. We need to make it until the veggie man comes on Wednesday. We also went to the super market in town to get more veggies (cheyote, cucumber, bag of oats and chocolate power for our cookies, since no one has chocolate chips).

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